- Edit CRB Information (MUOs): Added ability to edit MUO account information (in addition to all child and standalone account information).
- Relationship Manager: Field now included in the account approval workflow (you can select a relationship manager when approving an account).
- Insert SAR Narrative: Insert SAR Narrative text seamlessly into a SAR with a click of a button. This includes all transaction data (deposits and withdrawals) for the payment types that are selected. Read more here.
- New Filters: Added Created By and Completed By filters and table columns to the main Monitoring table views to allow quicker searching for reviews you have created or completed.
- Also removed "card view" in lieu of table view, which allows for easier sorting.
- Account Summary: Both versions of the report (by Account and By Due Diligence Template) updated to include the Relationship Manager & Risk Rating fields.
- Released Metrc Wholesale Integration for CRBs. Although POS/inventory tracking system integration remains the best way to source CRB sales and payment data, integrating with Metrc is the next best option (and preferred over manual upload).
- Please review these articles for more information:
- Updated Blaze POS Integration drawer (for CRBs) to link to correct article on generating API keys