Manage an account's due diligence documentation

Requirements Documentation:

You can upload new documents or comments to any requirement for a Pending, Awaiting Review, or Active account. 

  • In your Green Check account, navigate to Accounts in the navigation bar on the left.
  • Select the account.
  • Navigate to the Documents tab.
  • Select the requirement you'd like to update.
  • Click Update in the top right.
  • Click Upload File to add a new file or Add Comment to leave an internal comment.

Please Note: The business will be able to view any files you add to a requirement, but they will not be able to view any internal comments.


Internal Documents:

In addition to uploading files and adding comments to the documents section of an account, you also have the ability to upload internal files for internal reference.

These are documents that will only be visible to your institution - the business will not be able to view them.

Add or remove internal documents

  • In your Green Check account, navigate to Accounts in the navigation bar on the left.
  • Select the account.
  • Navigate to the Internal tab.
  • Click the Edit button in the top righthand corner.
  • Click the Upload File button to upload a new file.
  • To remove a file, click the X icon.

Rename internal documents

  • In your Green Check account, navigate to Accounts.
  • Select the account.
  • Navigate to the Documents tab.
  • Use the checkboxes in the table to select the documents you wish to rename, then click the Rename table action.
  • A modal will pop-up allowing you to enter a "friendly" name for the documents.
  • This will rename the document in the main table view and elsewhere in the app.
  • You will still be able to see the original filename by clicking on the document row in the table, which slides out a drawer with more information.
  • To rename documents for accounts currently under review, simply find that account in its respective table (Invited, Awaiting Review, or Review in Progress) and scroll down to the Documents. Use the same table actions outlined in #3 and repeat those steps above.