Review and approve an application

Once you invite a new business to complete your institution's application, the business' Green Check account will be added to your Accounts page.

From the Accounts page, you can track a business' application progress, review provided information, and approve the account.

Please note: Only users with the Admin or Account Owner role can review and approve account applications.

The basics

An account application goes through three stages in Green Check: Invited, Awaiting Review, and Review in Progress

The functionality differs slightly across stages as they represent different stages of progress on the application.


Accounts in the Invited tab have not yet submitted  their application. 

To view a business' application progress:

  • In your Green Check account, navigate to Accounts in the navigation bar on the left. Then, click the Invited tab.
  • Click on the account that you want to view. 
  • You are able to scroll down to the different sections of the application and view the progress that has been made.
  • You are also able to request a document upload for each required document by doing the following:
    • Scroll down to the desired Document.
    • Click the Actions drop down and select Request Upload.
    • Fill out the comments box, if desired, and select Request.

Awaiting Review

Accounts in the Awaiting Review tab have submitted their application and are ready to be reviewed and approved.

To review a business' application:

  • In your Green Check account, navigate to Accounts in the navigation bar on the left. Then, click the Awaiting Review tab.
  • Select the Account that you want to review.
  • Scroll down to review each section.
  • Click the Approve button in a given section when you are ready to approve.
If a Required Document is missing, not sufficient, or expired, you are able to request a document upload for each required document by doing the following:
  • Scroll down to the desired Document.
  • Click the Actions drop down and select Request Upload.
  • Fill out the comments box, if desired, and select Request.

Review in Progress

Accounts in the Review in Progress tab are accounts in which a review has been started, but not completed.  Your progress is automatically saved and you can pick up where you left off at any time.

Account Owners

To complete this section, you'll need to review each Account Owner's ID documentation. To do so, click View ID Document.  

Once you review the information in this section and approve each Account Owner's documentation, you can approve the section by clicking the Approve Account Owners button.

Business Details

Once you review the information in this section, you can approve it by clicking the Approve Business Details button.

Operational Details

Once you review the information in this section, you can approve it by clicking the Approve Operational Details button.

Due Diligence Documentation

To complete this section, you'll need to review and approve each requirement. To review and approve a requirement:

  • Scroll to the specific requirement in the Due Diligence box. 
  • If the business chose to leave a comment instead of upload a file, you can read the comment in the Comment tab next to the requirement name and then click Approve button to the top right.
  • If the business did upload a file or multiple files to the requirement, you'll need to review each file individually before you can approve the requirement.
    • Click on the file in the requirement. 
    • Review the information in the File Details drawer. To view the file, click the View File icon.
    • You can leave a comment (optional) and then click Mark as Reviewed.
  • Once all of the files in the requirement have been reviewed, click Approve in the top right.
  • Once all of the requirements have been approved, your progress will automatically be saved and the account will move to the Active tab.  If you don't finish a specific account's review, your work will be saved and that account will be moved to the Review in Progress tab.

As you progress through your review of the application, the status on each section will change.

  • Unreviewed: This section is pending review.
  • Review In Progress: This section in currently in progress.
  • Reviewed: This section has been reviewed and approved.

Approve the account

Once all the sections have been reviewed, you will have the ability to approve the account. 

After you approve the account, you will be asked to enter the following fields: Internal IDRisk RatingReview Frequency, and Peer Group.

If you do not have all of this information at the time of approval, you can skip this step and the following fields will be assigned a default value:

  • Risk Rating: No rating
  • Review Frequency: Monthly
  • Peer Group: Default Group

To update the Internal ID, Risk Rating, and Review Frequency moving forward, navigate to the Internal tab on the account.