June 23, 2023 Release Notes

Login Experience (released 6/18):

  • The new login experience is available for ALL Green Check Verified and Green Check Direct users.
  • This includes a switch to our MFA vendor. MFA is a security protocol that adds an extra layer of security to the login experience, either through a unique code generated by either a text message or through an authentication app. Please read more about MFA here to determine if you'd like it enabled for your organization. FIs who wish to enable MFA for their organizations can let us know through the support channel or through your relationship manager.

Negative News Alerts:

This week, we released our latest feature designed to keep you informed in the ever-evolving cannabis industry. Green Check's Negative News Alerts - powered by CRB Monitor - are emails that deliver timely notifications about any negative news found on the internet regarding the cannabis operators you serve.  The Negative News monitors look across different cannabis-specific and general news aggregators along with the licensing authority filings.
The beta version of this feature will be email only—we will email you with any negative news that is surfaced about a CRB in any stage of the relationship, as long as they have a license that is linked to our third-party tracking partner, CRB Monitor. However, with your feedback, we hope to expand this feature to other areas of the Green Check app, like within Monitoring reviews. Read more here.


  • Updated "Invite Account Owner" button permissions so that standard users can perform this action as well.
  • Scheduling automated monitoring reviews: Updated automated review start date logic for custom frequencies to align with varied start dates.
    • Here's an example: If you are adding a 90 day review frequency to an account review, the UI previously prevented you from choosing a start date less than 90 days in the future (which was based on the Account Approved Date). Now you can align your review dates more seamlessly with other dates such as the Account Opened Date.

Bug fixes:

  • Notifications: In some cases when users had a long notification list, they were unable to "clear all" notifications because the comments widget was covering that button, which is now fixed.
  • FinCEN: Removed FinCEN related reports from the Monitoring timeline if the FinCEN module is turned off for the account.
  • Manual Upload: Fixed an issue related to changing filenames.