Update your account information

After you finish setting up your Company Profile, you can update your financial institutions' account information at anytime from the Settings page.
  • In your Green Check account, navigate to Settings.
  • From here, you can edit the following sections: Profile, Cannabis Program,  Due Diligence,  Transportation, and Peer Groups.

    Each section listed above has a unique editing process.  Please take a deeper look into each section below.


    Profile:  Navigate to the  Profile tab.  Click the pencil/edit icon in the top righthand corner.  Once you've finished making updates, click the Save button.

    Cannabis Program:  Navigate to the Cannabis Program tab.  Click the pencil/edit icon in the top righthand corner to edit Primary Contact Details.

    Due Diligence: This is the section in which you are able to add and archive any Custom Requirements for your institution.

    Transportation:  Navigate to the Transportation tab.  Here, you can add Methods of Transportation by clicking the Add Transportation Service button.  Fill out the required information and click the Create Transportation Service button.

    Peer Groups: Navigate to the Peer Groups tab.  Here, you are able to add, remove and edit your group.  Please see the Manage Peer Groups article.