Transaction and Payment Type Override Columns

When transmitting core transaction data to Green Check, the system categorizes each transaction by matching the transaction code in the data to the list of transaction codes configured in your Settings area. Green Check uses this data to store the transaction type (deposit / withdrawal) and payment type (e.g. cash, check, wire).

For some financial institutions, there are transaction codes that are used for both deposits and withdrawals, and/or may represent transactions of different payment types. In other words, it may not be possible to configure a transaction code in the Settings area that will lead to accurate categorization of every transaction appearing with this code. 

Green Check supports an “override” functionality to support accurate categorization of all transactions, regardless of whether or not your transaction codes represent a static transaction or payment type.

Example Scenario:

Bank A has a transaction code “001” which is configured as a cash deposit in the Settings area. However due to Bank A’s core and reporting system/processes, some transactions with transaction code “001” are actually check deposits.

In the scenario above, Bank A obviously knows if a given “001” transaction is cash or check, however the Green Check system does not inherently know this. Bank A can inform the Green Check system by including a Transaction Type or Payment Type override column. In other words, Bank A’s daily transaction file would include additional columns to tell the Green Check system how to categorize each transaction, regardless of how their transaction codes are configured in the Settings area.

Requirements for Using Override Columns:

  1. Much like your other columns, the override column(s) must maintain a consistent column heading
  2. The values presented in the override columns can be any value, however they must be consistent. For example, if you use “D” in the Transaction Type override column to denote a given transaction as a deposit, you must always use “D” for this. 
  3. If using a Payment Type override column, the payment type must still match one of the supported payment types. Again, the syntax of this column can be anything you like, but it must be consistent (e.g. C = cash, CK = check)

Note: it is not required to include an override value for every row, however rows without any value(s) in the override column(s) will be categorized according to the transaction codes you’ve configured in the Settings area.