March 3rd, 2023 Release Notes

Archived Accounts

  • Easily archive accounts from any status that are no longer active, while retaining access to the accounts’ data, documents, and associated reports
  • Off boarding workflow includes automatically generating final Monitoring Reviews and FinCEN Reports as part of the archiving process
  • A centralized location to track and manage all archived accounts, including the reason/explanation for archiving each record
  • Option to include archived accounts in the account filter for all activity reports
  • Learn more here:

Account Management

  • New “other” type when adding new account numbers


  • Added a “locations in my state” badge to show CRBs when a provider has a local presence in their state.
    • Badge is driven by the service provider’s branch locations within Settings -> Profile

Performance Improvements

  • Improved initial page loading on Accounts and Data pages
  • Added better tracking for core transaction imports when test mode is enabled

UI/UX Improvements

  • Sort peer groups alphabetically when assigning an initial peer group in the account approval modal
  • Added an option for “No recurring frequency” when configuring the monitoring review in the account approval modal
  • Removed extra snackbar message after approving a new account
  • Improved the CRB’s experience when viewing My Providers on mobile devices

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved issue that caused “new document uploaded” notifications to route users to the wrong area