Interface Upgrade!
We have upgraded to the latest version of the User Interface tool we use, called React. Although much of this work is 'under the hood', this upgrade has several benefits as it allows us to deliver snappy load times and provides us with a solid foundation for building exciting new features.
This upgrade also involves a major improvement to our manual upload interface for your Manual Upload CRBs. If your Retail orgs need some help, we'd encourage them to check out our new Retail support article. Additionally, if your Wholesale orgs need some help, here is the support article for Wholesale orgs.
Bug Fixes:
- Compliance Rules Engine: Fixed an issue where sales within the jurisdiction hours were getting erroneously flagged for being outside of hours allowed in that jurisdiction.
- Tasks: Fixed an issue where task reminders were being sent too close to other task reminders
- Monitoring Reviews: Fixed an issue where only open monitoring reviews were being loaded rather than completed monitoring reviews
- Questionnaires: Fixed an issue where clicking to 'edit' the settings of a questionnaire was throwing an error
- Meadow Integration: Fixed an issue where we weren't capturing the entire payment object, causing some POS payment types to be missed
- Dutchie Integration: Setup integration to fall back to the Subcategory if the Master Category is missing, for category mapping purposes.
- Cova Integration: Fixed a sales ingestion issue which caused occasional Cova sales ingestion failures.