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  2. Financial Institutions
  3. Due Diligence (Initial and Ongoing)

Uploading Marijuana Business Licenses

Uploading Marijuana Business Licenses will present you with a workflow which attempts to match the license with a standardized version of the license number. This standardization process helps to ensure the license is kept up to date and you are notified if anything about the license changes in the state database. 

To upload marijuana business licenses: 

  • In your Green Check account, navigate to the Accounts page.
  • Click on an Account.
  • Click the Documents tab.
  • Click the Marijuana Licenses requirement
  • Click Update in the top right and select Upload File.
    • Fill in the State, License Name, License Number, and Expiration Date for the Marijuana License.
  • Choose a file and click Upload.
  • After you upload, we automatically check the license number against our list of standardized license numbers. 
    • If you see the license on this screen, click on the license then click the Continue button to upload the license. Congrats! You are done
    • If you do not see the license, check the box which reads “I don’t see my marijuana license” and click Continue
  • If you don’t see the license on the first screen, we will then present you with a screen where you will click on the business name in the list of results. This list is populated with data from our standardized database with the most likely matches for your business name.
    • If you see the business name on this screen, click on the business name then click the Continue button to move on to the final step of matching to the standardized license. 
      • Finally, you will be presented with business licenses in our standardized database based on the business name. 
        • If you see the license on this screen, click on the license then click the Continue button to upload the license. Congrats! You are done.
        • If you don’t see the license on this screen, check the box which reads “I don’t see my marijuana license” and click Continue. The license will still be uploaded but it won’t be standardized against our database. Our team will review the license and attempt to link it to our standardized version of the license on the backend. 
    • If you don’t see the business name listed, check the box which reads “I don’t see my marijuana business” and click Continue. The license will still be uploaded but it won’t be standardized against our database. Our team will review the license and attempt to link it to our standardized version of the license on the backend.