September 16th, 2022 Release Notes

UI / UX Improvements

  • Automatically trim all leading and trailing spaces on account number fields within FinCEN reports
  • Standardized number formatting throughout Monitoring Reviews


  • New “Other Documents” folder added to Accounts -> Documents tab to centralize all files uploaded within Questionnaires or Due Diligence Template custom forms

Monitoring Reviews

  • Added new “Download CSV” button in Sales Activity section to export all sales records contained in the review’s dataset 


  • Migrated all core transaction data to relational data store to make reporting on this data for efficient
  • Migrated notification polling to a new service to make notifications generated and delivered during a user’s session more efficient


  • New options in Account Summary report to export a summary or detailed view of accounts
    • By Account: includes summary information on all accounts 
    • By Due Diligence Template: includes detailed information, including custom field responses, for all accounts belonging to the specified Due Diligence Template

POS Integrations

  • Surface authentication errors to CRBs during the initial set up process, as well as on an ongoing basis in the event that the integrated credentials stop working

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed display issue with “do not have” comments added during the CRB onboarding flow
  • Fixed issue around Questionnaires with exceedingly long names presenting unexpected user behavior