November 10, 2023 Release Notes


  • Added CRB Account name to "heads up" email that's received when CRB begins an application from the Green Check Connect marketplace.

For your CRBs:

  • Added ability to easily 'share docs' that they've uploaded previously. This makes applying to additional service providers or sharing previously uploaded licenses or documents with you a one-click process.
  • CRBs will be alerted if a document is uploaded to their Documents tab by someone on your team.

Bug Fixes:

  • Active Business Licenses: License status within account review stepper and document detail drawer fixed to match.
  • FinCEN SAR bug fixes: Bugs were fixed within the FinCEN SAR flow, including some updates pertaining to the checkboxes throughout the form that were not hiding related information. We will continue to make enhancements and refactor FinCEN SARs over the next few weeks.


  • Fixed an issue related to users receiving multiple emails from marijuana license status changes.