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  2. Financial Institutions
  3. Due Diligence (Initial and Ongoing)

Moving documents between requirements


With the new document moving feature, you can now easily transfer documents between different requirements. This guide will walk you through the steps to move or copy documents, explain folder-specific actions, and highlight any restrictions.

Steps to Move Documents

  1. Go to Accounts.
    1. Click on the desired account.
    2. Select the Documents tab.
  2. Find the Requirement:
    1. Click on the requirement where the document you want to move is located. This will display a table of documents.
  3. Move the Document:
    1. In the document table, locate the document you wish to move.
    2. Use the Move Document action available in the table.
    3. Select the target requirement where you want the document(s) to be moved.
    4. Note: The document will be moved over in its current "reviewed" or "needs review" state. If you haven't yet marked it as reviewed, it will have a status of "Needs Review." 

Copying Documents from the "Other" Folder

What is the "Other" Folder?: The "Other" folder contains documents uploaded to questionnaire results and due diligence custom fields (within a file upload field).

Since the "Other" folder is a catch-all for these types of documents, they cannot be completely removed from the folder, but they can be copied with the click of a button.

Copy Function:

  1. Use the Copy to Requirement function to duplicate these documents into a different requirement.
  2. Choose the requirement to which the document or documents will move into. 
  3. All documents in the "Other" folder have a status of "needs review." You can easily mark it as reviewed after moving it to its new requirement.

Note about Marijuana Business License Documents:
Documents cannot be moved into or out of the marijuana business license requirement.


  • Moving Documents: Use the Move Documents action to transfer documents between requirements.
  • Copying from "Other" Folder: Use the Copy to Requirement function to copy documents from the "Other" folder to other requirements.
  • Restrictions: Moving documents in or out of the marijuana business license requirement is not allowed.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage and organize your documents across different requirements.

Need Help?

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our support team.