How to Scan Checks

Remote Check Capture is a convenient and secure way to manage checks using your compatible devices. This service allows you to capture images of your checks and send them electronically to your Green Check Direct account for processing.




  • Scan the above QR codes to get the app for your device or use the links below:
  • Supported device versions:
    • iOS versions:
      • iPhone: iOS 13.0 or later
      • iPad: iPadOS 13.0 or later
    • Android versions:
      • Android 8.0 and up
  • How should the item be endorsed? Each item should include an endorsement with three lines as follows: “Payable to PayQwick”, your signature, and the words “mobile deposit”.  It will look something like this:

  • Using the App:
    • Login with the username and temporary password provided
      • After successful login, you will be prompted to create a new password
    • To remote capture checks:
      • Click on MAKE A DEPOSIT
        1. Select the account where you want to upload your check
        2. Capture the front and back of the check
        3. Confirm the amount and tap NEXT
    • Once you complete your check capture, tap DEPOSIT on the bottom, and this will submit the item for review
    • You will be directed to the deposit history screen, where you can view the current status and review the transaction details for each check uploaded
  • If you encounter any issues during the process, please contact for further assistance.