Edit CRB Information

Easily edit CRB information in a self-service manner from the Accounts area of the app


The Edit CRB Information feature empowers you to make real-time updates to cannabis business details, fostering efficiency and transparency. This article provides step-by-step guidance on utilizing this self-service functionality within our platform.

Accessing the 'Edit CRB Info' Feature

  1. In the Green Check app, navigate to Accounts.

  2. Select the account you would like to edit.

  3. Enter Account Details view.

Editing CRB Information

In the Account Detail page, find tabs named "Business Details (General)," "Operational Details," "Additional Info," "Documents," and "Account Users."

Important Note: Although editing information can be done at any stage of the CRB relationship (Invited, Awaiting Review, Review in Progress, Active), there may be cases where you cannot edit individual fields as this feature is meant to support editing of existing or one-off information.

For example, if the CRB is in "Invited" status and has nothing yet filled out, you will not be able to make and save individual changes. In this scenario, you must save ALL fields on the tab in order to save changes due to the way in which fields are validated.

Follow these steps for each section:

  1. General tab:

    • Click the "Edit" button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
    • Update essential details such as address and contact information.
  2. Operational tab:

    • Click "Edit" to modify operational details like business hours and employee count.
  3. Additional Info tab:

    • Edit custom due diligence template responses by clicking the "Edit" button.
  4. Documents tab:

    • Manage documents by clicking "Upload File" or "Request Upload" on a requirement's detail page.
  5. Account Users tab:

    • Click "Invite User" to add users or "Edit User" on an existing user to modify CRB user information.

Important Note: The "Edit" buttons on each of the tabs above will only be accessible if the CRB has a setting enabled on their end that allows connected service providers to make edits to their accounts and users.

Saving Your Changes

After making edits, ensure changes are applied:

  • Click Save at the bottom of each screen.

Enhancing Collaboration

Upon saving changes, an automatic notification will alert the respective cannabis business about the updates made by your financial institution. 

  • In-app notifications: The CRB will receive instant in-app alerts as changes happen.
  • Email notifications: As to not overwhelm the CRB accounts if multiple changes are made, email notifications will be batched the morning following any changes to their account.
  • FI notifications: You will now also receive notifications when a CRB edits their own company profile details, so you're aware of any and all changes that are made to an account. Notifications will be batched the morning following the changes.

Note: You will only receive notifications when an account is in the following statuses: Review in Progress or Active. You will not receive emails or alerts if the account is still going through onboarding or you have not started reviewing the application yet.


The Edit CRB Information feature offers a seamless and efficient way for you to maintain accurate and up-to-date information. For any questions or assistance, our support team is ready to help. Happy editing!