Core Data Import Statuses

Core transaction data import records can be found on the Data page

Each row in the Imports table will contain a status letting you know the results of the import record. The statuses and their definitions are as follows:

Success: the import was successful and all data was processed 
Partial Success: the import was successful, however one or more rows in the file could not be processed so some data may not have been imported
Duplicate: the file received was an identical duplicate to a previous file, so it was not imported
No Transaction Codes: a file was received, but the FI's transaction codes have not been configured yet so it was not imported
No Mapping: a file was received, but the FI's SFTP column mapping has not been configured yet so it was not imported
Invalid DateTime: a file was received containing an invalid or unrecognized dateTime format so it was not imported
No Headers: the file received did not contain any column headers so it could not be imported
No Data: the file received only contained column headers and no data, so nothing was imported
Parsing Error: the file received could not be parsed by the Green Check system so it was not imported. This is typically related to file format/structure
Unknown Error:  a file was received, but could not be imported due to an unknown error that the Green Check team will need to investigate (this is highly unlikely)
Please don't hesitate to reach out to if you have any questions about your core transaction imports.