Comments Feature Overview

The comments feature allows you to keep all account-related conversations within the Green Check application, both for internal and external communications. You’ll notice the comments widget in the bottom right-hand corner of the application on pages where you are most likely to make comments, such as during account approvals or monitoring reviews. 

Table of Contents

Comments Functionality

Comment Locations

Comment Notifications

Comments Functionality

The comments feature contains the following functionality:

  • Comment chains:
    • Add comments, reply to comments, and track related comments all in one place. Previously in places where you could add one comment to accompany an uploaded document or deposit record, for instance, we now allow comment chains and conversations. This leads to a more robust system of record for all your related communications.
  • Add attachments or evidence:
    • Along with adding a comment, you can add attachments for reference purposes
  • Talk to both internal and external users:
    • Use the “external comment” checkbox to make your comment visible to the related account. For example, if making a comment on a requirement, use the external visibility to ensure your account sees the comment on their end as well.
    • Or don’t check the box at all if you want the comment to be seen only by your fellow employees. Don’t worry; there’s a confirmation modal in place to alert you when you are about to make an external comment that your accounts can see!
  • Mention users directly in comments:
    • When adding a comment, type the @ symbol to mention users by name in your organization.
    • If you’re adding an external comment, meaning you are communicating with someone not within your organization but at the CRB account, check the “external comment” box and then use the @ symbol to include external users in your mentions. Users mentioned will get a notification and an email alerting them to the new comment.
    • This two-way communication helps you get work done faster and more efficiently within the application.

Where is the Comment Widget Located

The comment widget can be found on the following pages within the application:

  • Account Approval process
    • On the application review as a whole
    • Due Diligence Requirements
    • Due Diligence Documents (within Requirements)
  • Active Accounts
    • On the account record
    • Due Diligence Requirements
    • Due Diligence Documents (within Requirements)
    • Questionnaires - individual instances of questionnaires
  • FinCEN - individual reports
  • Monitoring - both at the global report level and on individual "sections" of the review
  • Deposits - individual deposit records


Comment Notifications 

There are three types of comment emails or notifications you might receive: 

  1. Comment Mention: If you've been mentioned via the "@" symbol in a comment, you will receive a notification which will deep link you to the comment thread.
  2. Comment Reply: If someone replies to a comment that you made, this is a comment reply and you will receive a notification letting you know, which will deep link you to the comment thread.
  3. Heads Up!: If a CRB makes an external comment without a specific mention, you will be notified (if you are the account's RM or are an admin if no RM is set). This helps to make sure nothing slips through the cracks. You will also be CCed on comment mentions and comment replies to have a full awareness of what's going on for each CRB account.