August 16, 2024 Release Notes


We've made a big update to the way External Comments from your CRBs are handled. Previously, some external comments went unnoticed because they didn’t specifically mention anyone at your financial institution (FI). We’ve fixed that! Here is what the update includes:

  • No Mention? No Problem: The Relationship Manager (RM) (or all admins if no RM is set) will now receive an email notification for every external comment made by a CRB, even if no one is specifically mentioned. This ensures that no valuable feedback slips through the cracks.

  • With Every Mention or Reply: The RM (or all admins if no RM is set) will be CCed on every external mention or comment reply. This guarantees that your RM stays in the loop, even when other users are mentioned by your CRBs.

  • Refreshed Comment Emails: We've refreshed all comments-related email notifications to give the recipient more context and, more importantly, to deep link to the comment thread from directly within the email!

  • Personalized Updates: To make the most of this new feature, set your RM at the CRB account level. This ensures you receive personalized and timely updates about your accounts, keeping you well-informed and responsive.

We’re confident this update will significantly improve your experience and help you maintain better communication with your CRBs.


  • We made some small updates to the SAR based on file rejections from FinCEN. These fields weren't previously "required" in the SAR PDF and our app; however, we found that if they were not filled out, the XML was getting rejected by FinCEN, so we fixed the following: 
    • 16. TIN - Require TIN Type if TIN is populated.
    • 18. Type - Require Issuing State (and other fields relating to the DL) required.
    • 24. Relationship of Subject - Require selection of one checkbox.
    • 24a. Institution TIN - Pre-populates the dropdown to include any TIN entered in field 59 or 77. 

Bug Fixes: 

      • Accounts: When navigating to a non-active Account, the Sales chart on the Activity tab had a loading spinner and continued trying to load results, even if no sales activity was available yet (since they potentially haven't integrated). Now, a zero state shows if no sales activity is available.
      • Questionnaires: Fixed error that occurred when clicking Distribute Questionnaire after a CRB org was selected from the search box.
      • Questionnaires: The FI user viewing completed questionnaires will now see the actual version of the questions that the CRB filled out, vs. the latest published version of the template.
      • Parent/Child Shared Account Numbers: When updating the account information on the Internal tab for a shared MUO structure, that information was not also updating the children locations; this has been fixed.

    For CRBs:

    • Comment emails have been refreshed to include 'deep links' to the comment, so the user no longer has to search for the comment they are looking for. We will be making additional enhancements soon to support deep links for CRBs who have multiple orgs.


    • Dutchie: Minor change to utilize 'thc content' and fall back to 'product grams' when calculating the number of grams on Edibles.
    • POSaBIT: Updated help center link in Integrations drawer.