A guide to sales status in Green Check

When a sale is uploaded to Green Check, whether through a manual upload or direct integration, our Compliance Rules Engine compares it against all applicable sales regulations set forth by your state's cannabis program. Every sale is then labeled with a status.


A Verified sale is a sale that satisfied all of the applicable regulations set forth by your state's cannabis program. Funds from Verified sales are able to be deposited and are added to your Available for Deposit amount.


A sale with a Warning is technically a Verified sale and its funds are able to be deposited. Warnings are meant to surface sales that were unusual but that did satisfy all applicable regulations.


Sales that are missing one (or more) data points used by the Compliance Rules Engine to evaluate compliance (eg. a sale that is missing the Customer ID Expiration Date). Funds from Unchecked sales are able to be deposited and are added to your Available for Deposit amount.

Unverified sales

An Unverified sale is one that didn't satisfy one or more applicable regulations set forth by your state's cannabis program. Funds from Unverified sales are not able to be deposited and are not added to your Available for Deposit amount.