Upload sales from Indica Online



Indica Online has built a custom Green Check report that you can export and upload directly to Green Check.

Before you start

Please note: Any sales with missing required (*) fields will not successfully upload. Sales with missing non-required fields will upload successfully, but they will be marked as Unchecked.

* Transaction ID: Unique identifier for a transaction.
* Receipt Date: Local time. Accepted formats are M/DD/YY or MM-DD-YYY 00:00:000.
* Customer ID Number: The number shown on the license provided by the customer.
  Customer ID Type: The type of ID provided (i.e., MMJ, Driver's License, Non-Driver State ID).
  Customer ID Expiry Date: The expiration date provided on the customer's license.
  Customer DOB: Date of birth of the customer.
  Employee Name: Name of the employee who sold the product.
  Employee ID Number: ID number of employee who sold product.
  Product ID Number: PoS ID number or SKU of the product sold.
  Product Name: Name of product sold.
  Product Grams: Grams of marijuana that an individual product sold contains. This can be 0.
  Product Price per Unit: Pre-tax price of one unit of a product sold.
  Product Type: Type of product sold, i.e., flower, edible, oil, accessory, etc.
  Transaction Subtotal: Subtotal of all products sold within a transaction.
  Transaction Tax: Amount of tax on all products sold within a transaction.
* Transaction Total: Subtotal plus tax on all products sold within a transaction.
  Transaction Cash Paid: Amount of cash paid during a transaction.
  Transaction Debit Paid: Amount put on a debit card during a transaction.
  Transaction Credit Paid: Amount put on a credit card during a transaction.
  Transaction Check Paid: Amount paid with a check during a transaction.
* At least one of Cash Paid, Debit Paid, Credit Paid or Check Paid must be populated
  Medical or Adult Use: Whether a sale is medical or adult. 

Export the sales report from Indica Online

  • In your Indica Online account, navigate to Statistics > Reports > Sales

  • Choose the Green Check Report and select the necessary office / date range.

  • Export the report as a CSV.

Upload the report to Green Check

First, you'll choose a file.

  • Log into your Green Check account at app.greencheckverified.com.
  • From your Dashboard, click Upload Sales File.
  • Click Upload data from file. A file browser will open for you to select your file. Acceptable file formats include .csv, .tsv, .xls, .xlsx, and .xml.

  • Next you will see a screen asking you if the first row contains column names. If it does, click Yes. If it doesn't, click No.

Now, you'll match the column headers from your spreadsheet to the standard fields in Green Check.

Please note: The column headers from your spreadsheet will show up in bold next to the column letter. You'll need to match this column name to a standard Green Check field using the dropdown next to the column name.

  • Most column headers will be automatically matched to a standard Green Check field. If it is matched to the incorrect field, use the dropdown to match it to the correct field.
  • You’ll need to match all of your columns to a standard Green Check field. Once a column is correctly matched, click Confirm mapping
    • If your spreadsheet contains any columns that don't map to a standard Green Check field, you can click Ignore this column.

Please note: You’ll only have to do this matching process once, your settings will be saved so future uploads can be completed in just a matter of seconds.

  • Once you’ve successfully matched your data and ignored extra columns, scroll down and click Review on the bottom right.

Now, review your data to make sure all of your columns were correctly matched.

  • You can click to edit any cells directly on the upload window.
    • Cells highlighted in red have an error that should be fixed before submission.
    • Cells highlighted in yellow have been automatically formatted by our system and do not need to be edited before submission. You can hover over any highlighted cells to see notes on the issue and how to resolve it.
  • Once you’ve resolved any cell errors, click Continue. If you are ready to submit click Yes on the next window.

Please note: You will be notified of the result of your sales upload within a few moments of submitting. You will receive a notification if your sales did not successfully upload.